Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Monkey See, Monkey Don't / Powdered Toast Man

Monkey See, Monkey Don't:
- Placa Omondia - Mimis Plessas (title card)
- Big Band Highlight No. 5 - Neil Amsterdam [OGM] (opening at zoo)
- Hot Club 30 - Don Harper (Ren and Stimpy trying to get into the zoo)
- Dancing the Hula - Kapono Beamer (Ren and Stimpy inside the monkey cage)
- Too Tired A - Hans Ehrlinger (Stimpy with twig up his nose)
- Dancing the Hula - Kapono Beamer ("Shame, shame, Stimpy!")
- I'm Gonna Be a Monkey - Bob Camp, Charlie Brissette [original composition]
- After the Ball - Erik Markman, Charles K. Harris [OGM] (Ren starting acrobatics)
- Panic Patrol - Kenny Graham (Ren swinging through the air)
- At an Arabian House Party - Raymond Scott (Ren and Stimpy itching)
- The March of the Ants - Sidney Crooke (Filthy wants Ren to pick at his lice)
- Hollywood Romance - Peter Yorke ("I don't want to!")
- Big Band Highlight No. 5 - Neil Amsterdam [OGM] (father and son at cage)
- Filthy's Dance - Charlie Brissette, Scott Huml [original composition] (percussion as Filthy performs)
- The Whistler Overture - Charlie Brissette [based on "The Whistler and His Dog" by Arthur Pryor] (Filthy gets tons of food)
- Jungle Boogie - Charlie Brissette, Scott Huml [original composition] (percussion as Ren and Stimpy perform)
- Timpani Roll - Sammy Burdson ("It's my fffffffavorite!")
- Quiz Organ (a) - Curtis Schwartz ("Dusty old nut shells and pre-chewed gum!")
- Quiz Organ (b) - Curtis Schwartz ("A ROCK?!")
- Drama Link (k) - Hubert Clifford (Ren's steamed)
- Dramatic Impact 1 - Ivor Slaney (manager is revealed)
- Hot Club 30 - Don Harper (monkey chow)
- Terror by Night - Hubert Clifford ("We want a transfer!")
- Valse Aux Champs-Elysees - Daniel Jean-Jeannin (Ren and Stimpy in the hippo exhibit)

Powdered Toast Man:
- Wagner: Overture from "The Flying Dutchman" - Lee Ashley [OGM] (title card)
- Light Metro M.T. - Phil Green [Capitol Records] (PTM at the office)
- Star Encounters - Jack Mayborn [OGM] ("Will evil never rest? I hope not.")
- Reach for the Stars - Richard Harvey ("POWDERED... TOAST... MAN!!!")
- Star Encounters - Jack Mayborn [OGM] (cat crossing the street)
- Battle at Sea - Johnny Pearson (cat sees the truck approaching)
- Ballet Music from Margarethe @ Allegro Vivo - Charles Gounod (PTM shoots down the plane)
- Festival Overture 1812 Op.49 - Peter Tchaikovsky (PTM picks up the kitten)
- Light Metro M.T. - Phil Green [Capitol Records] (another distress call)
- Reach for the Stars - Richard Harvey ("POWDERED... TOAST... MAN!!!")
- Agitato Mechanical - Phil Green [Capitol Records] (the Pope held hostage)
- Festival Overture 1812 Op.49 - Peter Tchaikovsky ("Leave everything to me!")
- Light Movement (ZR-47) - George Hormel [Capitol Records] (PTM rescues The Pope)
- Without Walls B - Mladen Franko (choir)
- William Tell Overture - Gioacchino Rossini (PTM takes off)
- Metro Full Reading - Spencer Moore [Capitol Records] (another distress call)
- Knight Errant - Sam Fonteyn ("Sorry mac, but I've got to attend to something really important.")
- Merry as a Grig - Van Phillips (PTM saves breakfast)
- Eerie Emotional (PG-190C) - Phil Green [Capitol Records] (choir)
- Debussy: Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun - Lee Ashley [OGM] (PTM looks around)
- Magical Effect (e) - Paddy Kingsland (end of PTM's save)
- Very End - Sam Fonteyn (PTM takes off)
- Promenade - Tony Lowry (Ren and Stimpy eating breakfast, dissatisfied)
- Spiralling Up - Dick Walter (PTM returns)
- Knight Errant - Sam Fonteyn (PTM farts as he takes off)
- Pizzacato from Sylvia - Leo Delibes (Ren and Stimpy eating breakfast, satisfied)
- Disaster - Bruce Campbell ("My toast particles are dissipating!")
- The Star Spangled Banner (a) - Graham De Wilde (PTM arrives in the White House bathroom)
- Trumpet Talk - Dick Walter ("I'm caught in my own zipper!")
- Stealthy - William Loose [Capitol Records] ("Any time you're ready, Mr. President.")
- Dixie - Graham De Wilde ("Oh thank you, Powdered Toast Man!")
- God Save the Queen - Graham De Wilde (PTM taking the presidential oath)
- Hail to the Chief - Graham De Wilde ("Lovely assistant, take a letter.")
- Lambs in Clover - Jack Strachey ("Well, I guess that takes care of the day's business.")


  1. Now that I'm done with all the individual episode updates (hopefully), here's something worth sharing:

    I found an upload of Capitol reel L-53 on YouTube. In the comments, the uploader posted a link to a MEGA upload of a whole bunch of Capitol Hi-Q reels, including some that aren't available on LMT or Soulseek (I installed Soulseek recently). It is a gold mine of Hi-Q reels and I came across it by complete luck!

    Unfortunately, the reels that contain "Agitato Mechanical" (EM-133B), "Mambo" by Phil Green, and "Cha-Cha-Cha" by Ib Glindemann are still not in this upload, but it still is a neat discovery regardless. Here's where I found it:


    I found something interesting while looking through these folders:

    "Metro" by Phil Green used in Powdered Toast Man might be titled "Metro Full Reading" (LM-10A) and it was composed by Spencer Moore, not Phil Green. It's located on reel L-54.

    I say it MIGHT be titled "Metro Full Reading" because the L-54 upload on Soulseek and the L-54 upload on MEGA have different names for this specific reel. However, GEMA's cue sheet for the episode does list "Metro Full Reading," so that does imply that that could be the track's actual name

    1. "LM" means it was composed by Spencer Moore

    2. I've actually known about this Capitol collection for a while, ever since a user called Lexboro posted it on LibraryMusicThemes close to three years ago, which is where I came into possession of Bluesy, Fashion Bridge, and other Hi-Q tracks that were unavailable for the longest time.

      Soulseek is good for finding some of these tracks but their title info is not gospel. When I found Mechanical Industrial Underscore on there, it was called "Very Modern," which I have never seen used to refer to this track anywhere else and have no idea where whoever originally uploaded this reel got that from.

      Something in me always felt like Metro didn't sound quite like Green's other tracks, but since info on this track was spotty I just went with the same conjecture that everyone else did.

    3. Oh, so it's been known for a while, huh? That's awkward. I've never seen any mention of this collection before, so I legitimately thought I uncovered something big. Though at least we got the confusion surrounding "Metro" cleared up

  2. Monkey See, Monkey Don't! update(?)
    During the acrobatics scene where Ren and Stimpy are flying through the air there is a drum hit, drum roll and cymbal hit right before they catch themself.
    In this season these usually would be just a sound effects, but I this these might be percussion tracks from KPM, like the show would use in the late Games era.
    I think the drum roll is either "Short Roll [#5.2]" or "Death March" by Eric Allen, but I might be wrong. I'm really just asking for helping in identifying these.

    1. I think these are just sounds effects, they're not quite like the Eric Allen tracks, and GEMA makes no reference to any of Allen's work in this episode.

    2. Quick question but where exactly do you find these episode entries on GEMA?

    3. They can be found by going here.
