Saturday, March 13, 2021

Superstitious Stimpy / Travelogue

Superstitious Stimpy:
- Nyanga Dance - Sam Sklair; Luo Drummers - David Bradnum; Hopi Gourd Rattle 1 - Louis Mofsie (title card)
- Comedy Signature - Erik Markman [OGM] (opening)
- Creepies - Robert Farnon [CPM] ("Don't you know what TODAY is, Ren?")
- Drama Hit (b) - Richard Harvey; Flutter [#47.01] - Peter Lowe [CPM] (calendar)
- Jewels of India (c) - Richard Harvey (Stimpy describes Tuesday the 17th)
- Hopi Gourd Rattle 1 - Louis Mofsie ("...and the House of Confluence shifts into retrograde...")
- Chinese Roll (a) - Gary Kettel ("...Virgo erupts...")
- Bass Drum (b) - Gary Kettel ("...under pressure from Mercury.")
- Set to Pounce - David Farnon [CPM] ("This causes the plants to align...")
- String Sustain [#37.01] - David Farnon [CPM] (" a conga line...")
- Roll with Crescendo - Eric Allen ("...of chaos and disaster!")
- Minuet-String Quintet in E - Luigi Boccherini, Fiachra Trench (Stimpy saying why he put a boar's head on the wall)
- Approaching Danger - James Clarke (Ren chews out Stimpy)
- King Lear I - Henryk Kuzniak; Pain - David Mellor [CPM] ("Don't you know it's bad luck to ridicule superstitions?")
- Big Bad Giant - Paddy Kingsland ("Ah, that's better.")
- Like Strange - Kenny Graham; Bungo - David Bradnum (boar kicks Ren)
- Pounding Heart Beat - John Fox ("Uh oh, head embedded in ceiling!")
- Deep Drama - John Fox; Pain - David Mellor [CPM] (Stimpy slaps himself with roses)
- Teenage Party - Erik Markman [OGM] (heard in the kitchen)
- A Ride in the Country - John Fox ("But Ren, barbequing indoors is terrible bad luck!")
- Deep Drama - John Fox ("Poor Ren, he's in mortal danger!")
- Rough and Ready - John Fox ("He leaves me no choice!")
- Teenage Party - Erik Markman [OGM] (music in the kitchen again)
- Cold War - Christopher Payne, Paul Rogers [CPM] (Stimpy praying to carcass)
- Orchestral Clash (a) - Gary Kettel (Ren hits Stimpy)
- Timpani Roll (e) - Gary Kettel; Intrepid - Christopher Payne, Paul Rogers [CPM] (Ren throws the carcass on the bed)
- Day of Wrath - Fiachra Trench ("I wave my shiny red keister in the face of you, and your stuper-stitions!")
- Happy Golightly - John Fiddy ("Gee, Ren, I guess you didn't know that it was unlucky to-")
- On Fire - Gregor Narholz ("GET IN THE HOUSE!!!")
- Left Foot Forward - Graham Preskett (all sorts of bad luck around Ren)
- The Petulant Penguin - Dennis Farnon (Ren convinces Stimpy that superstitions are stupid)
- Suspended Time - Bill Connor; Orchestral Slide (c) - Gary Kettel (shot of Ren's birthmark)
- Oddball - David Mellor [CPM] ("Yow! Ren! What's that on your neck?")
- Strange Feelings B; Heartbeats A - Gregor Narholz ("That's my birthmark.")
- Flutter [#47.01] - Peter Lowe [CPM] (guide to unlucky stuff)
- Solo Effects 28 - David Bell (Stimpy reads about webbed toes)
- Flute Link (d) - Richard Myhill ("Hmmmm.")
- Aerial Warfare - Gerhard Trede (Stimpy grabs Ren's shoe)
- Raspberry! (a) - Richard Myhill ("Webbed toes!")
- Intrepid - Christopher Payne, Paul Rogers [CPM] ("Yeah, so?")
- Exciting Action C - Mladen Franko ("The unlucky beast!")
- Bliss - Alec Gould (Ren cries)
- Mabumbumbo - David Bradnum (Stimpy mixes up a concoction)
- Samburu Chanting (b) - David Bradnum (Stimpy feeds Ren owl pellets)
- Luo Drummers - David Bradnum (transition)
- Alpine Festival - Paddy Kingsland (jumping off roof)
- Happy Holiday - Anthony Spurgin (checklist)
- Static Time - John Scott (Ren has to stand still all night)
- Let Me Call You Sweetheart - Roger Wootton [CPM] ("Okay Ren, but be careful.")
- Haunting - David Snell (Ren ventures outside)
- Bass Tension - Simon Benson, Eugenio Grandi ("Safe and sound at last...")
- Easing Tension - Paul Orm, Peter Orm [CPM] (lightning hits the outhouse)
- Miss World (b) - Tony Kinsey (Stimpy knitting)
- Disorientated A - Mladen Franko (Ren reaches for the doorknob)
- Point of Departure M - Gregor Narholz (Ren crawls into the spitoon and is struck by lightning again)
- Main Assault - Laurie Johnson ("That tears it! There's only one thing left to do!")
- Gounod: Funeral March of a Marionette - Lee Ashley [OGM] (Stimpy reveals lucky leper's foot)

- Orchestral Clash (b) - Gary Kettel; Keeping Busy - Terence Roper; Showtime Fill (b) - Gary Kettel (title card)
- Beat Culture - Robert Ascot [OGM] (opening)
- Luo Drummers - David Bradnum ("Acromeglia!")
- Beat Culture - Robert Ascot [OGM] (Stimpy says they'll need gear)
- Mozart: Minuet - Lee Ashley [OGM] ("The vacation wig store!")
- Beat Culture - Robert Ascot [OGM] (packing the bag)
- Tales of Adventure (C) - Matthew Cang (the wildebeest)
- A Spring in Your Step - Graham Preskett (heading for the plane)
- Berlin 1945 A - Gregor Narholz (guy looking around nervously)
- State Occasion (b) - Barrie Hingley (plane takes off)
- Slapstick Effects 27 - David Bell (Stimpy eating a disgusting sandwich)
- The Queen's Dispatch (d) - Graham De Wilde (Ren lectures Stimpy on culture)
- Kriegsmusik [#19] - Gerhard Trede [AKA Burning Cities] (locals angry)
- The Queen's Dispatch (d) - Graham De Wilde (Ren laughs)
- Kriegsmusik [#19] - Gerhard Trede [AKA Burning Cities] (plane shot down)
- Luo Drummers - David Bradnum ("Hello, oh el friendos!")
- Homage to the King - Barrie Hingley (Ren shakes hands with the king)
- Chinese Roll (a) - Gary Kettel (transition)
- Cafe Hungaria - Janos Lehar (Ren and Stimpy partake in the hot head plunge)
- Send them Victorious (b) - Graham De Wilde ("The back-shaving ceremony.")
- Carry Me My Pony - George Callert (Ren and Stimpy showed to sit down)
- Do You Belong to Me? - George Callert (back shaving ceremony)
- Beat Culture - Robert Ascot [OGM] (Stimpy scratches his back)
- Jungle Rhythm - Rick Fenn [CPM] (feast of 1,000 purges)
- Hungarian Sundance - Friedrich Sehl ("Ah, just the reaction the locals had hoped for.")
- Marriage/Figaro 'Voi Che Sapete' - Fiachra Trench, Elaine Barry, Wolfgang Mozart (Ren spits out a little soup)
- Fool Stop - John Fiddy ("I don't know what is worse, the smell or the taste.")
- Declamatory Chords - Alan Braden; Harp Gliss 1 [#19] - Otto Sieben (Ren vomits)
- Russian Folk Dance - Gyorgy Behar ("Yet another proof that politeness is the universal language.")
- Festival - Alec Gould (tour)
- My Song is Sung Op.55 No.1 (Bohemia) - Antonin Dvorak, Susan Kanzian, Ed Lewis (harvested, sorted, smoked, and aged)
- State Occasion (b) - Barrie Hingley ("The one and only... Ol' Facefull!")
- Tell Me the Old Story - Barrie Hingley (tour guide talks about eruptions)
- Drug Addiction - John Fox (old man sits up)
- Orchestral Climax 3 - Gregor Narholz (old man starts to vomit)
- Links and Interjections (I - 1 - 12) - Alan Braden (crowd runs away)
- Dramatic Sting #9 - Dan Kirsten [OGM] (old man vomits on Ren)
- Mountain Story A - Gregor Narholz (tour guide describes Jehoshaphat's mansion)
- A Gentle Innocence - Harry Gregson-Williams (tour guide describing baboon)
- Flute Link (d) - Richard Myhill ("Look Ren, there's one now!")
- Von Suppe: Overture from "Poet & Peasant" - Lee Ashley [OGM]; Orchestral Slide (c) - Gary Kettel (baboon)
- Suspended Hit (b) - Gary Kettel (baboon charges)
- Adagio Espressivo for Harp - Otto Sieben ("Not everyone gets this privilege.")
- A Gentle Innocence - Harry Gregson-Williams ("Oh he must truly be blessed!")
- Showtime Fill (b) - Gary Kettel ("Stimpy, quick, take a picture!")
- Remember Tommy - Chris Walden (Stimpy takes a picture of faceless Ren and baboon)
- In Olden Days - Stuart Stirling (Revolution Day)
- Here's a Health Unto Her Majesty - Barrie Hingley (ending)


  1. Tales of Adventure (C) - Matthew Cang (the wildebeest/"Ow, my back.")

    1. Many thanks to you for knocking another one off the list.

  2. Adagio Espressivo For Harp - Otto Sieben ("Not everyone gets this privilege.")

    1. Thanks again for your great detective skills, always great to have another episode fully ID'd.

  3. Listening to the gliss in Travelogue, it sounds more to me like the twelfth cut in Harp Gliss 1 on SONV-190.

    Additionally, I have two more questions related to episodes.
    - Which Harp Gliss is used in Ren's Bitter Half during the shot of Stimpy and the two Rens watching TV? I've listened to each cut but I can't pick out a match.

    - Are we certain that National Anthem of Germany A is used in Sven Hoek? I've listened to it multiple times, but I can't pick out any part that sounds like it was used in the listed scene.

  4. Found the Sven Hoek one, it is Switzerland, albeit from the pre-1995 version of CAR-121.

  5. -Superstitious Stimpy GEMA updates-
    - "Hopi Gourd Rattle 1" by Louis Mofsie plays when Stimpy says "...and the House of Confluence shifts into retrograde..."

    - "Chinese Roll (A)" plays when Stimpy says "...Virgo erupts...!"

    - "Roll With Crescendo" by Eric Allen plays when Stimpy says "...of chaos and disaster!"

    - "Orchestral Slide (C)" plays when Ren's birthmark is shown

    - "Samburu Chanting (B)" by David Bradnum plays when Stimpy is pouring the baboon drool and owl pellets into Ren's mouth

    - The last drum hit of "Luo Drummers" is used during the transition from the gargling scene to the roof jumping scene

    -Travelogue GEMA updates-
    - One of Gary Kettel's Orchestral Clashes plays on the title card right when the episode starts

    - Later on in the title card, "Showtime Fill (B)" is used at the same time as some other Gary Kettel or Eric Allen track, but I couldn't find any one that matches

    - The same unknown Gary Kettel/Eric Allen track plays at the same time as "Slapstick Effects" when Stimpy is eating the sandwich

    - "Chinese Roll (A)" plays when "Homage to the King" ends

    - "Showtime Fill (B)" plays before "Remember Tommy" when Ren says "Take a picture!"


  6. Superstitious Stimpy update: The last note of Luo Drummers is heard multiple times during the title card

    Also, I recently re-watched A Hard Days Luck and I think "Gong, Hard Hit" from Sound Ideas plays alongside Broken Silence (leprechaun looks angry).
